Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello Everyone!!!

Yes we are still here. I have not posted anything on here in so long. I bet its been 2 or 3 months. I am not able to get on the site at work and by the time i get home i never get on the computer. I still get on my phone sometimes and read every ones blogs. Well, nothing has happened with Bryleigh since I last posted. She has been doing so good. I am so proud of her. She is such a happy baby, always laughing and smiling. She wants to sit up so bad, she really tries, but just does not have the control yet. She will sometimes roll over. She can push herself up while on her tummy. But she does get exhausted quickly. But hey, she is still accomplishing things. She has pretty good head control. Her therapist have said that in the past couple weeks that she has really started doing awesome. We saw her neurologist about two weeks ago. He has her adjusted a month behind her actual age. That is good because the developmental doctor had her 1.5 months behind just a few months ago, so she is steadily catching up. We no longer have any reason to go see the neurologist. He is a great doctor, but i am glad we have one less doctor to o see :-). He was very pleased with her eye sight. Last time we were in he said she had major vision problems, this time he said she is doing great at tracking and recognizing people and things. She weights 1 7lbs now. She is a little chunky monkey. I cant believe she is almost 7 months, Time goes by so quickly.

I recently got married on the beach. It was so pretty. Bryleigh spit up on her sister during the ceremony. :-)

Here are some recent pictures!